Western governments have issued endless edicts in response to the 2008 crisis: bank capital standards have been raised, tougher penalties introduced for wrongdoing, bank bonuses placed under scrutiny, and so on. 西方政府针对2008年的那场危机发布了不计其数的规定:提高银行资本金标准,对不当行为予以更严厉处罚,对银行奖金进行审查等等。
Last year judges issued about 1,700 capital sentences, 10% less than the year before. 去年,法官判了约1700人死刑,比前年少了10%。
When par value stock is issued, the Capital Stock account is credited with the par value of the shares issued, regardless of whether the issuance price is more or less than par. 那些股票索价高于面值。在发行有面值的股票时,不管发行价格高于或低于票面值,按发行股份的票面值贷记股本账户。
Capital stock issued voting non-equity share capital 已发行股本,已发行股份有表决权的非产权股份资本
Certificate of capital issued by a legal capital inspection organ; 法定验资机构出具的验资证明;
Stock issued in excess of paid-in capital. paid-up and called-up share capital 虚股超过收入资本而发行的股本
In mainland China, for instance, warrants are only issued by listed companies predominantly for capital management purposes to issue new shares. 以中国内地市场为例,权证全部是由上市公司发行的,主要是为发行新股进行资本管理。
Q13.What legal requirements govern the OTC listing of new shares issued for a capital increase by a foreign issuer with a primary OTC listing? 外国第一上柜公司增资发行新股于柜台买卖市场挂牌交易之规定为何?
Any amount of stock issued above the capital stock authorized is an illegal stock transaction. 超过额定股本数量的股票发行均为非法股票交易。
Note: Issued amount, total issued capital, total market capitalization and raised capital of shares don't include H share. 注:股票发行量、总发行股本、市价总值和筹资额均不含H股。
Market participants will have to disclose any short position that is equal to or greater than 0.02 per cent of the issued share capital of a listed company, or a market value of HK$ 30m ($ 3.8m), whichever is lower. 若淡仓的市值达到或超过3000万港元(合380万美元),或淡仓量达到或超过上市公司已发行股本的0.02%(以较低者为准),市场参与者就必须申报。
Applicants for restricted bank licences must have a minimum issued and paid-up capital of$ 100 million. 有限制牌照银行的申请人,必须拥有最少1亿元的已发行及实收资本。
When this "no-par" stock is issued, the entire issue price is credited to the Capital Stock account and is viewed as legal capital not subject to withdrawal. 当这种“无面值”股票发行时,整个发行价格贷记股本账户并作为法定资本不得提用。
A few days ago, the National Development Bank successfully issued 30 billion yen of samurai bonds to Japan's capital market. 国家开发银行日前在日本资本市场成功地发行了三百亿日元武士债券。
But the interest payments on domestic bonds issued to mop up capital inflows can have a heavy fiscal cost. 但为了冲销资本流入而发行国内债券,为此支付的利息会成为一笔巨额财政成本。
That part of the issued capital of a company which the subscribers have been required to pay. 已交资本,实缴资本一个公司要求其认购股东缴付的那部分已认购资本。
Thirdly, after the 16th National Congress, the State Council has issued new policy about advancing the reform and opening-up of capital market, which will have a deep impact on development of the capital market of our country. 第三,十六大以后,国务院出台了《关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见》,这必将对我国资本市场的发展产生深刻的影响。
In answer to the trend of globalization, our country has issued the stateowned capital evaluation system to evaluate the performance of the company. 为适应经济全球化的趋势,我国已经颁布了国有资本金绩效评价体系来评价企业的经营业绩。
In order to establish the management mechanism and pattern corresponding with the market economy, and to strengthen the administration of enterprises, China Ministry of Finance and other three Commissions jointly issued the Evaluation System of Benefits and Achievements of the State-owned Capital. 为建立与市场经济相适应的企业管理机制和管理方式,强化企业管理,财政部等四部委联合颁布了国有资本金效绩评价体系。
In April 2003, Basel Committee issued the third version of New Capital Accord for comments. 2003年4月,巴塞尔委员会发布《巴塞尔新资本协议》的第三次征求意见稿,2004年6月新协议正式出台。
In 1998, the government issued 270 billions special national debts to supply the capital of the state owned banks. 1998年,国家通过财政发行2700亿特种国债补充国有商业银行资本金,1999年通过设立四家资产管理公司剥离1万多亿不良资产。
To December 11,2007, SARC and the Ministry of Finance issued "the central state-owned capital gains received Interim Measures", this measures demanded the important enterprises which were administered by the central government. 至2007年12月11日,财政部同国资委发布了《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理办法》。
Since the reform of non-tradable shares in start-up, with a series of new regulations and policies on economic and financial issued, China has built a new system environment of capital market. 自从我国启动股权分置改革以后,一系列有关经济金融的新法规新政策相继出台,给我国资本市场营造了新的制度环境。
In recent years, security investment funds developed quickly as institutional investors. The amount and type of these funds increase. The shares issued by the funds and the capital managed by them increased at the same time. 近年来,作为机构投资者的证券投资基金在我国迅速发展,其数量、种类不断增加,所发行的基金份额和管理的资产数量越来越多。
In 2004, Basel Committee issued the New Basel Capital Accord which is the new rules of international capital regulation, which established the comprehensive and more risk sensitive capital management system to affect domestic banks 'capital management profoundly. 2004年巴塞尔委员会公布的新资本协议作为银行资本监管的国际规则,构建了一套全面的、更具风险敏感性的资本管理体系,它深刻影响着我国银行的资本管理。
Stock repurchase means that a listed company to repurchase its issued shares, which is a capital market behavior in order to achieve the reduction of capital and adjustment of capital structure. 股份回购是指上市公司购回其自身发行在外的股份,以达到减少资本和调整股本结构等目的的一种资本市场行为。
Until 2004 the Basel Committee issued the "New Capital Accord," it gives the definition and operational risk management standards. 直到2004年巴塞尔委员会发布的《新资本协议》才给出了操作风险的界定与管理标准。